We understand your concern about the delayed purchase. Orders are usually delivered instantly, but sometimes they can take longer to process. There is no need to try purchasing the same pack again—it should arrive soon!

If you still don't receive the purchase after more than 48 hours, please contact us through our in-app support system and provide us with the information below. We will assist you in retrieving the purchases as soon as possible.

  • Your order detail, which contains your Apple ID, Order ID, purchase date, Item ID, and total purchase. You can get this in your device's Purchase History.
  • Your account's ID. You can get this in the game's Settings.


  • We only support cases made within 7 days of purchase. This is because after 7 days, it can be difficult to track down the cause of the issue and to verify that the purchase was actually made.
  • If you have a problem with an in-app purchase and it has been more than 7 days since you made the purchase, please contact Apple to request a refund.